Forum Hip Hop

Capoeira Antiga Forum Hip Hop 2002 in Clermont-Ferrand


Construction and mounting of the show “Capoeira through time Maison de la Culture in Clermont-Ferrand Master Ataare the “Hip Hop Forum 2002 in Clermont-Ferrand: Supervision of 30 dancers. Participation Master Ataare, Master Liminha and Master Geraldo.

Afro Spectalce

Spectalce Afro, Charly Mayassi/ Master Ataare 2001,


Participation with choreography Capoeira Festival Ngoma – House of Culture, organization Charly Mayassi 2001

Clermont TV1

Capoeira Antiga Master Ataare 2000, Clermont TV1


Capoeira soumission on the TV channel Clermont First 2000 Prof. / Master Ataare

Clermont 2000

 Capoeira Antiga Ataare Da Costa – Clermont 2000


Start of Capoeira in Auvergne with Master Ataare Da Costa.