1.- Required documents :
- A medical certificate.
- A stamped adressed envelope.
- A photo ID for newcomers.
- A 20 € check ordered to the association ” Capoeira Antiga Cultura Guerreira Auvergne “
2.- Needed Equipment :
- uniform : Capoeira antiga kimono or pants and shirt sold by the association.
3.- Respect the following :
- Train regularly and seriously, be punctual to the training unless you have constraints such as work or school…. to be explained to the professor.
- Pay courses.
4.- The Capoeira Antiga graduation and trainings :
- The academy usually organizes a graduation day ( a celebration where the Capoerista shws his evolution, and receives firts guaduation or evolution).
- for internship, a Financial contribution will be requested.
Without one of these itms, the subscription could not be validade and therefore the Capoeira cours could no be followed !